Music vs chemistry

Because in music subject we can felt enjoyed,rileks and comfortable.beside that music is breath for we as a youngman.
In music subject we can expand our talent,because we should knew how to sing well,how to play
a music instrument.
A traditional music instrument like seruling,angklung and kendang.
Of course a modern music instrument like guitar,piano and drum.
So besides we can felt happy and should expand our talent,we can conserved our culture too.
That the reason why we like music anymore.
In other side we dont liked chemistry,because that so hard for me and my group.
We think that chemistry just make we confused,
oh my god,why we didnot?
What must we do?
We so lazy when the teacher teaching our body,
we felt bored and not interested with all component of chemistry.

1 natalia tri andyani
2 hesti retnosari
3 nafisatur rosidah
4 yulia devi k
5 noni sekar k
6 haning dwi pratiwi


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