Nama Kelompok :
- Retno Mardelia 3401409013
- Cristy Natalia 3401409052
- Isnaeni Kurniawati 3401409057
- Mila Fadila 3401409074
Their is the father giving some advice for his son, what his son want in the future. The father wants his son be a doctor, but his son dislike it. The son wants be a great musician especially be a rocker. why the father wants be a doctor, because it's a good job. But the son disagree with his father, because the son thinks that in studying medicine in collega needs a lot of money. The son want develope his talent in playing guitar very well. Finally, the son choise study music and after that finishing his high school in there although his father very dissapointed. But he will be show to his father that he can be a great musician and get succesful life.
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