Mohammad Rizal Febri Ibrahim
Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Antropologi
Experience In Tengger Tribe,Bromo Mountain
On Friday precisely April 30 Th,student from major Sosiology And Antropology going to Bromo Mountain.We started from campus Unnes at 02.00 pm.Journey from semarang going to the bromo reach 12 clock.After arrived in homestay,We continue to pananjakan to see the sunsrise,but because bad geographical condition,we couldn’t bus.we used jeep car.
After seeing sunrise,we return to homestay for continued the observation in society,observation take place from 08.00 am until 04.00 pm.In observasi,group given a theme to be made a observation direct interaction will with the society with the technique interview.The cold weather made us feel so hungry and thirsty.then we decided to look for a nearest shop and restaurant. having taken steps [of] Observasi,we return again to homestay for the break,pray,and of eat.At night after dinner,we continued with the interview with the soothsayer of is so-called soothsayer pandita.He explain about tribe genesis perch and its society tengger,how society and as culture. After interview by soothsayer,we continued with the evaluation of group,every group present the report which is observation.
At 01.00 am we return to chamber of for the sleep.Its morrow of its day [is] having taken steps second observation.We return to continue to Wind Dam to go shopping and buy by that present.After we return to semarang at 03.00 pm.Thisrepresenting unforgettable experience.
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